Canning Strawberries

We have had strawberries in our garden since we moved here. Some years they do good, but some years, not so good. The frost got them this year, so we went to a local Pick UR Own farm and got some. They were still pretty pricey, even though we picked them ourselves.
The first thing I did was de-stem them and put them in the freezer. Strawberries do not last long in the refrigerator.
On this page I placed all the recipes for canning and freezing strawberries and making strawberry jam and preserves.
Also read these instructions for canning fruit from a 1922 recipe book
Superior Canned Strawberries
Wash and stem 3 c. berries and put in a large pan or preserving kettle.
On top of the berries, put 3 c. of sugar. Do not stir, but boil for about 20 minutes, shaking down gently as required.
Let stand overnight, then put in jars and seal. These are delicious in flavor and color.
See the recipe: Superior Canned
Blue Ribbon Canned Strawberries
- 1 1/2 qts. stemmed strawberries
- 1 1/2 c. sugar
- 2 T crushed berries
Bring to a boil. Let set overnight; reheat and can. These will not settle to the top; but if they do after they are cool in jar, shake well.
See the recipe: Blue Ribbon Canned Strawberries
To Can Strawberries
- 2 c. sugar
- 2 T. cornstarch
- 1/2 c. water
- 3 heaping qt. berries
Boil together 10 minutes the sugar, cornstarch and water. Add the berries, boil 5 minutes more. Put in jars and seal.
Recipe from a 2014 Amish recipe book pg 172
Grandma's Strawberry Jam
Wash and cap strawberries. To 8 cups berries, add 6 cups sugar. Place on stove in heavy pot. Mash berries as they heat. Cook until thick, about 20 minutes. Seal in hot, sterilized jars.
Strawberry Jam 36
1. Put 1 qt. strawberries in colander and pour over them 2 qts. of boiling water; drain, then hull and add 2 c. sugar.
2. Shake about until all are covered and let stand until juice forms.
3. Then put on stove and bring to a boil, let boil 2 minutes.
4. Slowly add more 2 cups of sugar and boil 5 minutes more.
5. Remove from fire and let stand for 24 hours, then put in hot jars and seal.
(This is very thick and good for ice creams and sundaes.)
See the recipe: Strawberry Jam 36
Strawberry Jam 37
- Cut in half 1 qt. of ripe berries. Add 1 qt. sugar. Let stand until the juice rises, then put them on to boil. Watch carefully as they scorch easily. Boil for 10 min. Then add 1 T vinegar and boil 3 min. more. Let stand for 24 hours before sealing.See the recipe: Strawberry Jam 37
Strawberry Jam 1951
4 c. strawberries 5 c. sugar Wash and hull berries. Boil slowly for 3 minutes, stirring only to keep from scorching.Add 3 c. sugar; boil 3 minutes; then add 2 more c. more of sugar and boil 3 minutes more.
Pour into open crock and let stand 3 days, stirring often.
Cook only 1 batch at a time.
Makes 2 pints. If you shake kettle instead of stirring, most of the berries will remain whole.
Recipe from a 1951 Erwin, SD recipebook pg 33
Freezer Strawberry Jam
- 2 cups crushed berries
- 4 cups sugar
- 3/4 cup water
- 1 box powder pectin
Add sugar to fruit and stir well. In a saucepan, boil the water and pectin for one minute, stirring constantly. Add the hot pectin and water to the fruit and continue stirring 3 minutes. Put in containers, let stand 24 hr. and store in freezer.
Cooked Strawberry Jam
- 5 cups crushed berries
- 7 cups sugar
- 1 box powdered fruit pectin
Stir powdered pectin into berries. Bring berries and pectin to a boil and add sugar all at once. Bring mixture to a boil for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and fill hot sterilized jars.
Strawberry Preserves 35
1. Wash and hull 2 qts. strawberries before measuring.
2. Put 9 cups of sugar and 1 c. water into a large preserving kettle; stir and boil until sugar is well dissolved.
3. Add strawberries, boil at rolling boil 15 min.
4. Do not stir but shake kettle and skim.
5. Pour into flat pans and gently shake the pan occasionally until cold.
The shaking is the secret of success; it causes the berries to absorb the syrup and they will remain plump and whole. Seal into jars after they are cold. (Use exact measurements).
See the recipe: Strawberry Preserves 35
Strawberry Preserves 38
To 1 qt. prepared strawberries, add 1 T vinegar, simmer over low heat until the juice covers the berries; add 1 qt. sugar.
Boil 12 minutes. Let stand in the preserving kettle until cold, then seal.
See the recipe: Strawberry Preserves 38
Also see the Strawberry Recipes page.
More canning recipes:
Applesauce and Apple Butter Recipes
Canning Jams and Preserves
Canning Wild Plums
Canning Jellies and Marmalades
What to do with Green Tomatoes