Canning Apples Recipes
I don't make homemade applesauce that much anymore, but it sure was fun making Apple Pie in a Jar. I can remember my mom sending us to the farmer down the street to collect crabapples, and we use to make crabapple jelly. In the 1950's apple butter was a staple in the house. Hot toast with melted butter and apple butter was a favorite treat.
Also read these instructions for canning fruit from a 1922 recipe book
Below are a variety of recipes you can use for that abundance of apples on your apple tree.

Here's my Apple Pie in a Jar batch, fresh out of the water bath canner. I had to half the recipe because my apples only filled 3 1/2 jars. It worked out pretty good. I'm finding that working in smaller batches is a lot better than trying to do large batches by yourself. I also used a chopstick to make entrances inside of the jars, so the juice would go down. After they cool a little, I'll turn them upside down so the apples will have some space. See the recipe below.
Apple Pie in a Jar
- 5 to 6 lb. apples to make 7 qts.
- 4 1/2 cups sugar
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg (optional)
- 1 tsp. salt
- 10 cups water
Peel, slice and pack apples into jars. Mix ingredients and cook until bubbly and thick. Add to packed apples. Seal and process 20 minutes in hot water bath canner.
Recipe from a 2001 cookbook called Classic Creations pg 507
Tip: Don't pack them as tight as I did. The pint jar did not have as many, so the apples are more suspended in the apple pie juice. More apples slices per jar = a runny pie mix.
My Update: I made a pie out of the Apple Pie in a jar today, and it seems that a quart jar makes a 8 inch pie. I had to add another cup of apples for my 9 inch pie. I also had to add a tsp. of more cornstarch.
Apples for Winter Pie
Slice apples in a quart jar, as if making a pie. Pack solidly as they shrink; adding 1/3 cup sugar to each quart; no water added. Add hot lids. Process 20 minutes in hot water bath.
See the recipe: Apples for Winter Pie
How to make Applesauce
- Wipe, quarter, core, and pare eight tart apples.
- Make a syrup by boiling seven minutes one cup sugar and one cup water with a thin shaving from the rind of a lemon.
- Remove lemon, add enough apples to cover bottom of saucepan, watch carefully during cooking, and remove as soon as soft.
- Continue until all are cooked. Strain remaining syrup over apples.
Spiced Applesauce
- Wipe, quarter, core, and pare eight tart apples.
- Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with one cup sugar, add eight cloves, and enough water to prevent apples from burning.
- Cook to a mush, stirring occasionally
Baked Apple Butter
- 10 lbs apples
- 1 1/2 quarts cider
- 1 tablespoon ground cloves
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
- 5 lbs of sugar
Peel, core, and quarter apples. Place in a large kettle. Add enough water to cover apples. Simmer until soft. Stir in the cider, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar. Pour the mixture into a roasting pan; cover. Bake at 350 until the mixture boils, stir occasionally. Lower heat to 250, and bake 5 hours or overnight. Ladle the apple butter into sterilized jars and seal.
Recipe from 1974
Quick Apple Butter
- 5 lbs of apples
- 3 c. water
- 1 3 1/4-oz. box pectin
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
- 4 drops red coloring
- 7 c. sugar
Add water to unpeeled, quartered and cored apples, and cook until tender. Put through a food grinder; add pectin, spices and coloring. Bring to full rolling boil. Cook 2 min., stirring constantly. Skim and can. Makes about 4 pints.
See the recipe: Quick Apple Butter
My Note: Unpeeled? Strange. I think she must have meant peeled.
Canning Apple Jelly
1. Wipe apples, remove stem and blossom ends, and cut in quarters. Put in a granite or porcelain-lined preserving kettle, and add cold water to come nearly to top of apples. Cover, and cook slowly until apples are soft; mash, and drain through a coarse sieve. Avoid squeezing apples, which makes jelly cloudy.
2. Then allow juice to drip through a double thickness of cheese-cloth or a jelly bag. Boil twenty minutes, and add an equal quantity of heated sugar; boil five minutes, skim, and turn in glasses.
3. Put in a sunny window, and let stand twenty-four hours. Cover, and keep in a cool, dry place. Porter apples make a delicious flavored jelly. If apples are pared, a much lighter jelly may be made. For crabapple jelly, leave apples whole instead of cutting in quarters.
Grandma's Apple Jelly Recipe
-To 4 cups apple juice add 3 cups of sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
-Place in a wide jelly pan and boil rapidly, stirring occasionally, until syrup reaches a rolling boil.
-To test when jelly is done, dip a large spoon and tilt to one side. When 2 drops run together and sheet off the spoon, jelly is done.
-Stop cooking, skim. pour into sterilized glasses or jars and seal.
Apple Marmalade
- 6 lbs. shredded apples
- 6 lbs. sugar
- 3 1/2 cups water
- Grated rind of 2 oranges
- Juice and grated rind of 3 1/2 lemons
- 2 level tsp. ground ginger
Bring to a boil, the water, sugar, orange, lemon and ginger. Simmer a few minutes, add apples; simmer slowly for 1 1/2 hrs., or until thick.
See the recipe: Apple Marmalade
Baked Pickled Crabapples
- 5 lb. crab apples
- Some whole cloves
- Scant 1 qt. vinegar
- 3-3/4 lb. sugar
- 3 sticks cinnamon
Wash the crab apples; remove flower ends and replace cavity with a clove; arrange in alternate layers in a 1 gallon jar, apples, sugar, and broken cinnamon sticks. When jar is filled, pour in vinegar. Cover loosely and bake in very slow oven, 250 F for 2 hours.
Do not baste or disturb. When apples are cool, juice will cover the fruit. Place a cover or wax paper over the jar and store. Apples will keep all winter.
Recipe from a 1948 book called "What's Cookin'? "
Crabapple Catsup
Select sound apples, peel, quarter 2 qts. Cook until tender in as little water as possible; then press through sieve.To 1 qt. sieved apples, add 2 c. sugar, 2 tsp. pepper, 2 t. cloves, 2 tsp. cinnamon and 3 large onions, chopped fine.
Stir all together, add 2 T. salt and cider vinegar enough to cover. Place over slow fire and boil 1 hr., then pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.
See the recipe: Crabapple Catsup
More Fruit Canning Pages
Canning Fruit Index page
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Canning Pears
Canning Peaches
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Berry Jams and Preserves
Misc. Jellies and Marmalades