Canning Red Tomatoes or Ketchup
I have so many red tomatoes this year! I've been giving them away, canning them, and I still have a lot in the basement, and they are riping too fast!
So, here I go searching for what to do with them, because I don't like to see food go to waste! The last huge batch I canned, I made just regular tomato sauce, it was really too thick to call it a juice.
The picture above is what is called an Amish Paste Tomato. They are meatier, and have less seeds. Below is the recipe I will use, and below that, recipes from my old recipe books, like for making ketchup and canning spaghetti sauce.
My Homemade Tomato Sauce
Here's what I do to make my homemade tomato sauce.
1. I wash, and cut my tomatoes in 4ths, and cook them on medium heat till they get soft.
2. Then I pour half the water off, and mash with a potato masher and let it simmer some more.
3. Then I use a sieve that my mother gave me, and put it all through the sieve, discarding seeds and skins.
4. Then I put it all back in the pot and let it simmer all day. When it's the consistency I like, I pour into hot 1/2 pint jars, add a 1/4 tsp. salt, a tsp lemon juice, and seal and boil in water bath for 25 minutes.
5. Sometimes I add oregano, garlic and onion powder and make it spaghetti sauce. Sometimes I add a couple small cans of tomato paste, and make it pizza sauce.
More Recipes for Canning Tomatoes
Here's a recipe for Tomato Paste.
This Recipe for Canned Tomatoes says to: Scald tomatoes in a wire potato chip basket with handle, then dip them in cold water and peel. Sterilize glass 1 or 2 qt. jars in hot water 10 min. and place peeled tomatoes in jars; pour over them strained hot tomato juice and seal: cool jars and store. These will be firm and fine for slicing in salads, etc.
Tomato Soups can easily be made too!
And here's another recipe
for Tomato Soup. Or can some Vegetable
Chili Sauce
- 18 large ripe tomatoes
- 6 large onions, chopped
- 2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. each cloves and allspice
- 1 tsp. each cinnamon and nutmeg
- 1 1/2 cups vinegar
- 4 cups sugar
Mix all ingredients, boil 3 hours. Bottle while hot; seal.
(from 1980's church cookbook)
Here's another recipe for Chili Sauce
Grandpa's Chili Sauce - It uses ripe tomatoes, ground cucumbers, ground onions, green peppers, sugar, apple cider vinegar, paprika, black pepper, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and salt.
Canned Chili Soup - I didn't know you could can chili!
Blender Ketchup
- 48 medium tomatoes (8 lb.)
- 2 ripe sweet red peppers
- 2 ripe sweet green peppers
- 4 onions
- 3 c. vinegar
- 3 c. sugar
- 3 Tbsp. salt
- 3 tsp. dry mustard
- 1/2 tsp. ground red pepper
- 1 1/2 tsp. whole allspice
- 1 1/2 tsp. whole cloves
- 1 1/2 tsp. broken stick cinnamon
Quarter tomatoes; remove stem ends. Cut peppers into strips and quarter onions. Put in blender, filling until 3/4 full. Blend at high speed for 4 seconds. Pour into large kettle and add vinegar, sugar, salt, dry mustard, red pepper, and spices tied in a thin cloth. Simmer in slow oven 325 until volume is reduced to 1/2. Remove spices. Pour in hot jars, process 10 minutes. Makes 5 pints.
Note: Cook in oven about 5 hours, then on top of stove for about 3 more hours. Also I did not process. Just put in hot sterilized jars.
Recipe from a 1981 Church Cookbook
Here's a couple more recipes for ketchup from a Kitchen Club binder that was given to me.
Tomato Ketchup - This recipe calls for 8 quarts of tomatoes strained or tomato pulp, vinegar, sugar, cinnamon, allspice, salt, red pepper, cloves, and onions.
Ketchup - This recipe calls for 1 peck ripe tomatoes, onions, peppers, salt, red pepper, ground cloves, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, vinegar, and sugar. (1 peck= 9.3 qts)
Like Heinz Ketchup - This recipe calls for 1 bushel of tomatoes, red peppers, onions, salt, red pepper, a box of mixed spices, horseradish, vinegar, and sugar
I'm not sure why some years we get an abundance of tomatoes, and some years they seem to ripen one... by... one. It would be nice if Mother Nature was more predictable!
Homemade V8 Tomato Juice
- 1/2 bushel tomatoes
- 4 green peppers
- 1/2 bunch celery
- 6 large carrots
- 8 onions
- 5 cups water
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. sugar
Cook the tomatoes, grind peppers, celery, carrots and onions in the water, run through a ricer or colander and put in salt and sugar. For every quart mix all together and bring to a boil. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Very good breakfast drink.
Recipe from a 1987 Special
Olympics CookBook
Here's another recipe to make tomato juice.
Chutney Sauce - This Chutney sauce recipe has peaches, pears, onions, green peppers, red tomatoes, salt, sugar, white vinegar, and pickling spices.
Pork and Beans - This recipe calls for 2 quarts tomatoes or tomato juice, navy beans, water, molasses or sugar, and onion. Process 1 1/2 hours in a hot water bath or 34 min in a pressure canner.
Yellow Tomato and Pineapple Preserves
Yellow Tomato Preserves - 10 cups yellow tomatoes, 7 cups white sugar, 2 cups grated pineapple. Drop tomatoes in hot water and remove skins. Measure 10 cups tomatoes. Boil sugar in 2 cups water until syrup spins a thread. Add tomatoes and pineapple, and cook until done. If desired, red tomatoes may be used instead of the yellow tomatoes.
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