Fresh Vegetable Juicing Recipes
All fresh vegetable recipes that follow can be made in a highspeed juicer. Feel free to adjust or add to the recipes according to your tastes. Green, sprout, or wheatgrass juices are but a few positive additions.
As with fruits, the freshest vegetables will yield the most healthful juices. Fresh vegetable juices will keep two or three days in the refrigerator.
These recipes are from a 1989 Juicing Cookbook by Steven Blauer.
Spring 8
- 1/2 cup asparagus
- 4 medium carrots
- 1 radish
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 4 collard leaves
- 3 stalks celery
- 1 cup watercress
- 1 scallion
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Fall 8
- 3 medium parsnips
- 1 cup Jerusalem artichokes
- 5 leaves kale
- 1 cup cabbage
- 5 leaves lettuce
- 3 stalks celery
- 3 handfuls spinach
- 1 scallion
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Sweet Heart
- 5 medium carrots
- 1 small apple
- 1/2 medium beet
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Cabbage Patch
- 1/4 head cabbage
- 2 stalks celery
- 1 cup fennel
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Hair Food
- 6 lettuce leaves
- 3 handfuls spinach
- 3 medium carrots
- 1 cup cabbage
- 4 kale leaves
- 1/2 cup fennel
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
- 1 large green pepper, stem removed
- 1 large red pepper, stem removed
- 3 stalks celery
- 1/3 medium cucumber
- 5 lettuce leaves
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Skin Trip
- 2 medium carrots
- 1/2 medium cucumber
- 1/2 medium green pepper
- 1 handful watercress
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 3 kale leaves
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Eight Vegetable Drink
- 1/2 medium tomato
- 1/4 medium cucumber
- 1 medium carrot
- 1 stalk celery
- 1 handful spinach
- 1/2 medium red pepper
- 1/2 cup cabbage
- 1 scallion
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Mock Tomato
- 2 medium carrots
- 1/2 medium beet root
- 2 stalks celery
- 1 cup mung sprouts
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Nice 'N Sweet
- 2 medium carrots
- 1/2 medium apple
- 1/4 medium beet
- 1 celery stalk
- 1/2 medium pear, hard variety
- 1/4 cup fennel
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Red Hot
- 3 radishes
- 1/4 cup radish sprouts
- 1/2 medium beet
- 1/2 medium sweet red pepper
- 1/2 medium cucumber
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
- 3 handfuls watercress
- 3 stalks celery
- 1 medium parsnip
- 1/2 medium green pepper, stem removed
- 1 cup fennel
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Let Us Drink
- 6 lettuce leaves
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 large apple
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Popeye's Pride
- 5 handfuls spinach
- 1 medium cucumber
- 2 medium carrots
Wash ingredients. Combine. Juice and serve.
Also see Blender Fruit Juice Recipes, and Healing with Fruit Juices
Healthy Eating Pages
- Fruit Juices and Healing Chart
- Fresh Fruit Juicing Recipes
- Stop Eating Sugar
- Green Drinks
- Wheatgrass Recipes
- How You Caught a Cold in the 1900's